We are going to go role by role and break down what people are actually playing within those, what they’re using to climb. This is probably the best sort of a meta snapshot you can take for some of the most optimal champions or strongest champions to play.
Top 5 Champions of League Of Legends (LOL)
Bot Lane
In the botlane currently, the topmost of the challenger players are currently using Lucian, and some using Vladimir to climb. We have some Ezreal and we have some Kai’sa and we even have some Mordekaiser and some Darius. Then we see some Heimerdinger, some Yasuo and even some Brand in the botlane. Then we have Ryze and Irelia, along with Kennen played in the Korean Challenger scene with great success as well. Just look at this, only 3 typical AD carries appear, Kai’sa, Lucian and Ezreal. All 3 of them have good survival aspects to their and good damage from just one single item. But they are able to fight more in the laning phase and snowball with a lead. If they get ahead they are extremely strong, and can carry easily.
Keeping up with the best champions in each role
With every new patch, some new champions come out victorious as the most dominant ones in the rift and clearly better and stronger than the others. So to keep up with all of these, I have been using a tier list league which provides me a quick insight on which champions are doing good based on their roles Top, Mid, Bot, Support and Jungle. This allows me to prepare to play these champions in the new patch and have an edge on the opponent.
Mid Lane
Let’s move on to the midlane now, it’s mainly Yasuo, Ryze, Zoe and Irelia with a bit of Leblanc and Vlad also present in there. Following this, Swain has an increased popularity in North America followed with Aurelion Sol( the Aurelion Sol players present were one-trick ponies). Meanwhile, over in Korea, Zoe is being used to dominate on the rift in the highest of challenger games.
Unlike a few patches ago, we have a new breed of junglers. Taliyah and Nocturne are the top-tier right now, Graves is still around and so is Xin Zhao but it is still heavily dominated by Taliyah and Nocturne in Europe. In North America, Graves is the highest contested pick, followed by Taliyah and Camille. Korea is a real mix of both the servers, Taliyah is the most played by far, followed by Nocturne, Graves and Camille.
Top Lane
In Europe, the majority of the top laners use Camille, followed by Irelia, Riven and Mundo. In the North American region, it is completely mixed up and there is a lot of variety but the scene is mostly dominated by Aatrox, Singed and even Kennen. In Korea, we get Darius at the top followed by Aatrox, Irelia and Poppy.
Support Lane
In Europe, half of the support players are using Pyke and the other half are using Rakan to win games. In North America, we notice something similar where again half of them were using Pyke and the others were using Rakan followed by Soraka and Sona. Look over to Korea, and we see a lot of challenger support players, especially at the top, and over half of them are using Pyke, followed by Gragas support(unique to Korea) and then stands Morgana, Alistar, Rakan and Soraka in terms of priority.
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